The College of Media & Communications prepares students to be leaders in our ever-changing information society. The CMC students and faculty think across boundaries, innovate around emerging problems and create culture that transcends convention. The College of Media and Communication is a members of the National Association of Radio and Boardcastors
The College of Music has offered a wide range of programs for undergraduates and graduate study, integrating advanced musical training with professional oriented experience and the rich resources of a leading research university. Award-winning performers, scholars and composers, and college faculty are deeply dedicated pedagogues supporting students's sucess in their musical endavors wheather that is to teach, perform, compose, research or rethink music entirely. The College of Music is pending membership in the National Assoication of Schools of Music
The College of Counseling and Psychology focuses on the typical adaptation of individuals to their environment and helping them cope with crises, problems of daily living, and mental challenges. Traditionally, counseling psychology has been concerned with both the remedial and preventative aspects of mental health with an emphasis on client strengths. Respect for diversity and for values different from one's own is a central value of Counseling Psychology and more recently there has been a call to actively work toward social justice. Counseling psychologists commonly provide services, teach, and/or engage in research with or pertaining to members of social groups that have often been devalued, viewed as deficient, or otherwise marginalized in the larger society.
The College of Ministry and Theology God-called men and women are equipped for gospel ministry in and alongside Christ's Church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Here, theological education is a sacred process of preparation and transformation for a Kingdom purpose. TSCU students think theologically, practice ministry skills, cultivate community, and grow spiritually as they seek to know Christ and make him known
The Graduate School serves as the intellectual crossroad of the University. While TSCU offers a mixture of Master's, Doctoral and Professional Degree programs, The Graduate School works to promote academic excellence, advocates on behalf of graduate students and fosters community across all graduates programs.